Sep 30, 2018
For Better For Worse – For Richer, For Poorer
  • Sep 30, 2018For Better For Worse – For Richer, For Poorer
    Sep 30, 2018
    For Better For Worse – For Richer, For Poorer
  • Sep 23, 2018For Better For Worse
    Sep 23, 2018
    For Better For Worse
  • Sep 9, 2018For Better For Worse – To Have and To Hold
    Sep 9, 2018
    For Better For Worse – To Have and To Hold
  • Aug 12, 2018Grace Greater than Our Circumstances
    Aug 12, 2018
    Grace Greater than Our Circumstances
    Series: Greater Than
    Not everything happens for a reason; however, God's grace can help you overcome any circumstance you are facing and redeem them for His purposes.  
  • Aug 5, 2018Grace Greater Than Our Fear
    Aug 5, 2018
    Grace Greater Than Our Fear
    Series: Greater Than
    When the storms of life suddenly come upon you, remember God’s Grace is greater than our fears.
  • Jul 29, 2018Grace Greater Than Our Hurts
    Jul 29, 2018
    Grace Greater Than Our Hurts
    Series: Greater Than
    Our hurts have a way of lingering around. Old wounds and past hurts can continue to plague us, preventing us from enjoying life to the fullest. Whether we are talking about a physical wound, or maybe an emotional wound, sometimes the pain can be so great we wonder how we might ever move past this. Will we always carry these scars? Some hurts certainly will leave their mark on our lives, but that doesn’t mean we have to keep living with the pain. In our key text this week, Jesus is asked the question we all wrestle with, "how many times must I forgive?" Jesus’ answer would have been shocking. His point is that it isn’t the number of times that is important, but modeling the same kind of grace and forgiveness we have received.
  • Jul 22, 2018Grace Greater Than Our Mistakes
    Jul 22, 2018
    Grace Greater Than Our Mistakes
    Series: Greater Than
    We all have done some dumb things in our life, and not just in the days of our youth. But the weight of our mistakes and our past don't have to keep us down. 
  • Jul 15, 2018A Summer to Remember Part 5 – Pastor Melissa Deuel
    Jul 15, 2018
    A Summer to Remember Part 5 – Pastor Melissa Deuel
    We all long for the kind of faith that can move mountains.  But are our prayers bold enough to see God move them?
    What would happen if we started praying bold prayers?  What would happen if we started praying God’s word, and started claiming the promises God has for us?  Maybe then we would discover that the God who parted the sea and walked on water is still active in the world today. I love the stories of the disciples’ failures.  They did not get it right all of the time. In Matthew chapter 17, we come to one of those moments where the disciples come before Jesus in humility to ask, “Jesus, what did we do wrong?”  A man had brought his son before them to be healed, but the disciples could not heal the boy. When they were alone, they asked Jesus, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?”  And He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”  But the problem is, we don’t always have the kind of faith that can move mountains.  
    Do you ever find yourself reasoning away your faith?  When someone asks for healing we add qualifiers to our prayer, things like, “God if it is your will….” instead of claiming the Lord as our healer, and the one who has carefully crafted our bodies.  Or maybe when things are tight financially we may ask God for some grace and mercy but we forget that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills.
  • Jul 8, 2018A Summer To Remember – Part 4
    Jul 8, 2018
    A Summer To Remember – Part 4
    I believe God gives us seasons like summer for a reason, and no, it’s not just our reward for surviving a Minnesota winter.  Summer is a great opportunity to slow down, to rest, and draw closer to God. That’s why we have begun summer with our series, A Summer to Remember, hopefully helping you make the most of the opportunities you have.   The weedy season of my garden is not my favorite.  I don’t mind pulling the thistles, but it seems like an endless battle some days.  There are so many things I would rather be doing, more important things than pulling weeds.  Yet, it’s the very thing that will make a big difference on the outcome of my garden.   Do you ever look at things in life and say, “I’m too busy for that?”  Are there tasks you sometimes feel are below your abilities? In our key text this week, the Apostle Paul writes a letter to the church in Thessalonica.  This important, prominent city was home to many wealthy citizens. The thought of pulling weeds would have been well below them, for manual labor was something for others to do, something for those of a lower class or even slaves.  Yet Paul commends the church for their service, saying, “We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”   As Christians, we serve not to earn God’s favor, but because God has loved us.  We work with faith, recognizing God has called us to use our gifts and talents for his Kingdom.  Our labor is motivated by love, because when we serve others in love it is a witness to our faith.  And we can endure for the long haul because we keep the end in mind, trusting that Jesus will one day return and grant us eternal life.  So, even though we may be entering a weedy season of our lives, may you continue the hard work of faith, serving one another with faith, hope and love as you grow in your faith.
  • Jun 10, 2018A Summer to Remember – Part 2
    Jun 10, 2018
    A Summer to Remember – Part 2
    What kind of block are you?  Are you the kind of block that builds others up, or causes them to stumble?  What if we stop living, and thinking only of ourselves and really consider, “What kind of neighbor do you want to be this summer?”  Do you want to be the kind of person that builds up others and builds up the Kingdom of God, or do you want to be that stone you didn’t see, stub your big toe on and causes someone to trip and fall?  Don’t you think we have enough judgments and stumbling blocks out there?
    As Christians, we should be building up one another.  Helping each other find that place where we can connect, and use our gifts for God’s purposes.  We can't allow our own judgments and assumptions to get in the way of being a good neighbor.