Aug 12, 2018
Grace Greater than Our Circumstances
Series: Greater Than
Not everything happens for a reason; however, God's grace can help you overcome any circumstance you are facing and redeem them for His purposes.
- Aug 12, 2018Grace Greater than Our Circumstances
Aug 12, 2018Grace Greater than Our CircumstancesSeries: Greater ThanNot everything happens for a reason; however, God's grace can help you overcome any circumstance you are facing and redeem them for His purposes.
- Aug 5, 2018Grace Greater Than Our Fear
Aug 5, 2018Grace Greater Than Our FearSeries: Greater ThanWhen the storms of life suddenly come upon you, remember God’s Grace is greater than our fears.
- Jul 29, 2018Grace Greater Than Our Hurts
Jul 29, 2018Grace Greater Than Our HurtsSeries: Greater ThanOur hurts have a way of lingering around. Old wounds and past hurts can continue to plague us, preventing us from enjoying life to the fullest. Whether we are talking about a physical wound, or maybe an emotional wound, sometimes the pain can be so great we wonder how we might ever move past this. Will we always carry these scars? Some hurts certainly will leave their mark on our lives, but that doesn’t mean we have to keep living with the pain. In our key text this week, Jesus is asked the question we all wrestle with, "how many times must I forgive?" Jesus’ answer would have been shocking. His point is that it isn’t the number of times that is important, but modeling the same kind of grace and forgiveness we have received.
- Jul 22, 2018Grace Greater Than Our Mistakes
Jul 22, 2018Grace Greater Than Our MistakesSeries: Greater ThanWe all have done some dumb things in our life, and not just in the days of our youth. But the weight of our mistakes and our past don't have to keep us down.